Técnica, Grabado sobre linoleum/ Lino cut
Este grabado lo hice en un curso sobre relief/ engraving en linoleum, que estaba tomando en MarthaStudio, Art Gallery, en Winnipeg. Era mi primer Halloween en Canadá y por donde quiera que fuera veía brujas, fantasmas, gente disfrazada y todas esas cosas de terror con que se suele festejar este día en el hemisferio norte, así que mio grabado no estuvo al margen de todo lo que me rodeaba.
This picture I did it in a course on relief engraving on linoleum I was taking, MarthaStudio, Art Gallery in Winnipeg. It was my first Halloween in Canada and wherever I went I saw witches, ghosts, people dressed up, and all that king of horror things which is usually celebrate this day in the Northern hemisphere, so my engraving was not outside all that I was inspiring by my all surrounding .
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