El mundo, la Tierra, la esfera azul, el planeta de agua, como querramos llamarlo, es nuestro más preciado tesoro, el hogar en el que vivimos miles de millones de personas. Algunas hacemos todo lo posible por cuidarlo, otras lamentablemente no. El mundo está dispuesto a darnos lo mejor de él para que no nos falte nada. Tenemos ríos, mares, montañas, valles, colinas, playas, lagos. Cuidemoslo con nuestras buenas acciones, no sembrando dolor sino amor. Llenemos nuestro mundo de flores, arboles y paz, para todos los hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad que en él habitamos.
The world, the Earth, the blue sphere, the planet of water, as we want to call it, is our most precious treasure, the home we live thousands of millions of people. Some do everything possible to care for of it, others no unfortunately. The world is willing to give us the best of it has so we are not missing anything. We have rivers, seas, mountains, valleys, hills, beaches, lakes. We have to care for the planet with our good deeds, sowing love, but not pain. Let us fill our world with flowers, trees and peace for all men and women of goodwill who inhabit it.
The world, the Earth, the blue sphere, the planet of water, as we want to call it, is our most precious treasure, the home we live thousands of millions of people. Some do everything possible to care for of it, others no unfortunately. The world is willing to give us the best of it has so we are not missing anything. We have rivers, seas, mountains, valleys, hills, beaches, lakes. We have to care for the planet with our good deeds, sowing love, but not pain. Let us fill our world with flowers, trees and peace for all men and women of goodwill who inhabit it.