Primero, dibuje un boceto de lo que quería logra en la chapa, luego cubrí la chapa con dos manos de capa asfáltica, de los dos lados, y sobre la cara en que iba a realizar el grabado,calque el boceto con papel carbónico. Luego con una aguja dibuje sobre la capa asfáltica, levantando las partes iban a ser trabajadas con ácido. De ahí en mas es un proceso de levantar con la aguja las lineas que serán mas profundas y cubrir con goma laca, las que ya fueron al ácido y no son tan profundas. Esto, da una calidad especial a la linea, que según su profundidad, llevara mas o menos tinta, dando textura y gradientes cuando entintamos y estampamos la chapa.
Here you all can see the process of making a sheet of metal in engraving.
First, I draw a sketch of what I wanted to achieve in the plate, then covered the sheet metal with two coats of asphalt, the two sides, and the face on which I was going to make prints, I traced the sketch with carbon paper. Then with a needle, I draw the sketch on the asphalt layer, I lift the places that would be worked with acid. From that point on is a process of lift with the needle the lines that are deeper and cover with shellac, which have already been etched and are not as deep. This gives a special quality to the line, which according to depth, take more or less ink, giving texture and gradients when the plate are inked and are printed.
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