Metal Salmon, and Dragonfly in the forest.
Happy to see that my two new metal sculptures art donation to Hoy Creek Society, are welcome.
Can you spot the new art fixture above the rearing pond? Thank you
Patricia Gaspar Read more:…/new-art-fixture-donated-to-…
really enjoyed this work, not only the process of art in itself,
specially because I could follow closely the Salmon cycle, which
revealed that me, how we are part of this World that we all share, and
everyone, every creature, plant, and rock, is a key piece, in this vital
link: " Our existence." Since
a beautiful, and
delicate rosy little egg, a new fish starts to grow in the stream,
showing golden brownish almost gold colors. At that time, we celebrate Salmon Leave Home when the small fish, proceeds to
the river, in which lives for a certain time. From the river, sets out to the sea, and here, this fish, becomes as an
adult with an incredible silvery reflections in their skin between
olive green and deep blue. There, at the sea, salmons, spend a few years, and when
it's time to hatch their eggs, they return to the same stream where
they were born. Together they start a long journey that we call Salmon come Home.
days swimming upstream water, they are back to the creek. Then, the
female fish seek a quiet place among the rock, to lay their eggs, and
the males follow them, in order to fecund the them. Once, they fulfilled their mission,
they die in the creek, thus closing
the cycle and giving life to a new one that begins. This is my humble
tribute to one of the many wonders of Nature, which does not cease to be
amazed and excited about wise work. |

The metal fish, was a silent witness the magic forest that surrounds
the creek, Full Mom nights, snow, rain, and Salmon living ,and coming Home. In both events, all Coquitlam community, and Kwikwetlem
first Nation people, principally, get together, in order to celebrate
every year
Salmon Leave Home, and Salmon Come Home. Kwikwetlem means "red fish up the river". |